The trance effect... 

“Hypnosis is not only a tool to make wonderful changes in your life.  It's a way to de-stress.  Your pulse slows.  Your blood pressure comes down.  When that happens, you see things more clearly.  You're primed for making changes” ~ Rhonda Kopy


Hypnosis is a natural state of heightened relaxation and focused awareness.  So much so, that you’ve probably never realised that you’ve actually been experiencing hypnosis already many, many times in your life!  


While it has long been recognised as a powerful tool to enable positive life changes - its earliest use has been thought to have been over 6,000 years ago - it should not be confused with the sort of hypnosis seen in stage shows. 


Hypnosis feels differently for everyone but in general, it is a pleasant, relaxing and tranquil experience.  It is similar to having a guided meditation and rather like being in a daydream, in a state that is often called a ‘trance’.


Nowadays, the link between mental and emotional distress and even some physical illness can be more clearly traced to underlying anxiety, tension and stress arising out of an imbalance between people’s ‘conscious’ beliefs and desires, and the beliefs and desires they hold in the ‘sub-conscious’ mind.  Hypnotherapy works at the ‘sub-conscious’ level to open the ‘conscious’ mind to beneficial suggestions and enable positive life changes. 


During hypnosis, you are always in control.  This is because within us, we each have our own mechanism of values and ethics which protect us from doing anything we don’t want to do. 


Hypnosis can be powerfully applied in many areas of life where people experience symptoms of pain, stress, anxiety and tension.  Examples include: 


- Addictions (including   Alcoholism and Smoking)

- Anger Management

- Anxiety

- Confidence / Self Esteem

- Depression

- Eating Disorders

- Eczema 

- Exam nerves

- Fears & Phobias

- Grief / Bereavement


- Improving memory

- Insomnia

- Irritable Bowel   Syndrome (IBS)

- Migraines


- Nail biting

- Pain Control

- Past Life Regression

- Presentation Anxiety



- Psoriasis

- Panic Attacks

- Sexual Abuse

- Sexual Problems

- Sports / Work       


- Stammering

- Stress / Anxieties

- Weight Management




However, if you suffer from epilepsy, schizophrenia or clinical depression, you should consult your Doctor before undertaking hypnotherapy.


Results of a comparative study by the American Health magazine has shown the effectiveness of Hypnosis with a 93% recovery rate after 6 sessions compared with 38% recovery rate after 600 sessions for Psychoanalysis and 72% recovery rate after 22 sessions for Behaviour Therapy (with thanks to


Through hypnosis, I've assisted many clients with successfully overcoming their fears, phobias, addictions, depression, pain, anger, stress, grief and other emotional and physical problems. 


I can assist YOU in achieving more balance and less stress in your daily life by consciously gaining awareness of your unconscious beliefs.  This means you can start understanding and redressing any imbalances between your 'conscious' and 'sub-conscious' mind.     


I am a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist and trained personally with Dr. Richard Bandler, one of the world’s most renowned hypnotists, Paul McKenna, international bestselling author and leading hypnotist and Vicky Ross, a UK hypnotherapy trainer and motivational speaker. I'm a Registered and Approved Hypnotherapist by the American Board of Hypnotherapy.  




Contact ReAwakening today!

Touch base with Belinda by:

Tel:  +61 (0)450 403 567


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The ReAwakening Centre

Manly, NSW 2095

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The information on this website is not intended to replace medical and health advice offered by doctors and health professionals.  Belinda Pestana makes no representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, action, or preparation by any person following the information offered or provided throughout this website.  

Copyright © 2025 Belinda Pestana